Warren Alpert Foundation Prize Recipients


for pioneering applications of chimeric antigen receptors to engineer T cells for adoptive immunotherapy of cancer and autoimmunity.


For the vision and generation of computational tools, databases and infrastructure that changed the way biological information can be rapidly and freely exchanged, searched, and analyzed, thus enabling discovery of fundamental biological mechanisms, their alterations in disease, and potential as new therapeutic targets.


For pioneering work leading to the discovery and development of mRNA vaccines.


For the discovery of fundamental pathways and mechanisms that ensure accurate RNA splicing and quality control of gene expression involving RNA. Mutations in these pathways account for many human diseases.


For identifying Glucagon-like peptides and leading the field with studies extending from cells to humans, culminating in the development of these peptides as therapeutic agents for treating diabetes and short bowel syndrome.


For the development of optogenetics as a way to control the activity of specific circuits in the nervous system, to determine their function and ultimately to control them to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders.


For pioneering contributions to the discovery of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene and to the subsequent research that led to the development of transformational precision medicines to treat the underlying cause of cystic fibrosis.


For their collective contributions to the pre-clinical foundation and development of immune checkpoint blockade, a novel form of cancer therapy that has transformed the landscape of cancer treatment.


For remarkable contributions to the understanding of the CRISPR bacterial defense system and the revolutionary discovery that it can be adapted for genome editing.


For their pioneering discoveries in chemistry and parasitology, and personal commitments to translate these into effective chemotherapeutic and vaccine-based approaches to control malaria - their collective work will impact millions of lives globally particularly in the developing countries.


For seminal contributions to our understanding of neurotransmission and neurodegeneration.


For their seminal contributions to concepts and methods of creating a genetic map in the human, and of positional cloning, leading to the identification of thousands of human disease genes and ushering in the era of human genetics.


For the discovery, preclinical and clinical development of bortezomib to FDA approval and front line therapy for the treatment of patients with multiple myeloma.


In recognition of their extraordinary contributions to medicine and innovations in bioengineering.


For the expansion and differentiation of human keratinocyte stem cells for permanent skin restoration in victims of extensive burns.


For the discovery, characterization and implementation of laser panretinal photo-coagulation, which is used to treat proliferative diabetic retinopathy.


For work leading to the development of a vaccine against human papillomavirus.


For their contribution to the development of the breast cancer therapy Herceptin, the first target-directed cancer treatment for solid tumors.


For discovering angiogenesis and its relationship to disease, and for championing the concept of anti-angiogenic therapies.


For her seminal contributions to the understanding of how the antitumor agent Taxol kills cancer cells.


For their pioneering work on the purification, characterization, and cloning of human interferon-alpha.


For his pioneering work in understanding the role of vitamin A supplementation in preventing blindness and life-threatening infections in children in the developing world.


For their pioneering work in cardiovascular research which has dramatically reduced the mortality rate for heart attacks.


For their research that contributed to the development of a drug that effectively treats chronic megelogenous leukemia and other forms of cancer.


For their research in the development of statins which lower the level of cholesterol in the heart.


For elucidating the pathway forming the leukotrienes and their role in bronchial asthma.


For their discovery of human immune deficiency virus (HIV).


For their discoveries of molecules that regulate the growth and differentiation of bone marrow cells in health and disease.


For the development of the lung surfactant used for treating pulmonary hyaline membrane disease.


For identifying Helicobacter pylori as the organism that causes gastric and duodenal ulcers.


For developing a complete description of thalassemia at the molecular level.


For discovering the enzymatic basis of Gaucher's disease leading to its effective treatment.


For designing a powerful new approach to the treatment of high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.


For pioneering the use of DNA in the diagnosis of congenital anemias.


For defining the genetic basis of muscular dystrophy.


For elaborating the genetics of Hepatitis B as the basis for its vaccine.